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Counselling Services

Kathryn Walsh has years of experience as a therapist and offers compassionate, solutions based counseling to individuals, couples and families.
Family Therapy
Is a form of counselling used to help family members communicate and resolve conflict. Our therapist will teach your family skills to deepen family connections.
Marital Solutions
Our therapist will help a couple deal with intimate issues and conflicts that are causing stress within a marriage. Some issues could be affairs, abuse, separation or betrayal.
Also known as Grief, this loss can be death, an ended relationship, or even a loved one that has moved away. A wide range of emotions are experienced after the loss. These emotions could be sadness, anger, or guilt.
The need to be, or appear to be perfect. Living with the constant fear or failure, also associated with anxiety.
Death & Suicide
Individuals contemplating suicide fall within two categories. Impulsive and planned. Impulsive occurs as a response to experiencing a crisis or trauma. Planned is thinking it out and having a plan of a self-injurious act intended to end one’s life, resulting in death.
Fears & Phobias
A form of anxiety disorder displaying intense and irrational fears of an object or situation that poses no real threat. Examples are fear of heights, closed in spaces, bugs, needles, germs, storms. Anything that causes an individual to experience feelings of intense fear.
Relationship Counselling
Therapy used to help relationships of all types to recognize and resolve conflict. By learning to improve and manage differences and avoid repeating patterns that are causing stress within your relationship.
Teenage Stress & Pressures
Teens today live in a fast paced, plugged in world resulting in an increase of stress, anxiety and pressures.
Depression & Loneliness
Frequent crying and overwhelming feelings of sadness. Feeling tired, irritable, loss of interest in things you once enjoyed, unmotivated, hopeless and alone.
Anger Management
Therapy is used to teach you how to control your anger before it gets out of control.
Sexual Pressures
Feeling pressure to engage in sexual acts.
Dealing with Stress & Anxiety
Stress is the body’s response to the demands of life. A therapist can help change negative thought patterns that occur because of stress and anxiety.
Goal Setting & Life Coaching
Counselling that can help you to learn how to formulate, set and make progress towards achieving your goals.
Sexual/Mental/Physical Abuse
Sexual abuse is any undesired sexual behaviour by one person upon another. Emotional abuse is verbal abuse by one person to another such as yelling, name calling, blaming and shaming, Intimidation and controlling behaviour. Physical abuse is any intentional act causing injury to another person by way of bodily contact.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTSD can develop when an individual has experienced a shocking, scary, dangerous or life-threatening event.
Family & Work Expectations
Finding balance between your work life and your home life.